by Scott Howard Swain | Jan 5, 2022 | All Articles, Economics, Liberty, Politics, Voluntaryism |
From an article by Walter Block on 2009-04-16. “I advocate the complete, total, and full privatization of all roads, streets, highways, byways, avenues, and other vehicular thoroughfares. And I am serious about this, deadly serious.” This is so far off the...
by Scott Howard Swain | Dec 17, 2021 | All Articles, Liberty, Life, Privacy, Voluntaryism |
Originally written 2016. Updated often. “I want to have snoop-free online communication. Should I go with Telegram or Signal?” Most mainstream sources (and uninformed nerds) right now are pushing WhatsApp. Or Signal, claiming it has better encryption....
by Scott Howard Swain | Dec 16, 2021 | All Articles, EQ, Health, Life, Relationships |
The alarm goes off. The torture begins. You choose how long the pain will go on. Every time you hit snooze, you extend that torture for you and your mate. Pitfalls When you hit snooze, you are:- breaking a promise to yourself, reducing your integrity and self-worth....
by Scott Howard Swain | Dec 9, 2021 | All Articles, Economics, Liberty, Politics, Socialism, Voluntaryism |
Updated. Originally written in 2015. “What if, in a society run on voluntary principles, corporations were to become warlords by enslaving the entire population in a military style dictatorship? And… how do we protect ourselves against other governments...
by Scott Howard Swain | Dec 2, 2021 | All Articles, Culture, EQ, Life, Parenting, Relationships |
Originally written in February 2022. Does anyone else notice an increase in cussing? In what experiences, subcultures, or media in your day to day life?What do you believe the affects are? I want to be clear: I’ve zero moral issues with cussing. My issue is that...
by Scott Howard Swain | Nov 24, 2021 | All Articles, Culture, Liberty |
Summary of the history of Irish slavery: In the 17th century, during the Cromwellian conquest of Ireland, an estimated 30,000-50,000 Irish people were sent into slavery in the Caribbean and Virginia. Cromwell shipped Irish slaves to the colonies as a way to help fund...
by Scott Howard Swain | Oct 4, 2021 | All Articles, Culture, EQ, Liberty, Life, Politics, Relationships, Voluntaryism |
What if being “highly independent” can make it difficult for us to see the value of strong relationships and our “me-first” attitude, completely logical, in reality, can be supplemented with even just a bit of compromise at times in order to...
by Scott Howard Swain | Sep 1, 2021 | All Articles, Culture, EQ, Life, Relationships |
A wise man once said… nothing. He let her vent and then they had sex afterwards. I see wisdom… and a problem with the message of the above meme. If the idea is for the man to deeply listen with empathy instead of defensiveness or advice, then yay, I...
by Scott Howard Swain | Aug 19, 2021 | All Articles, EQ, Liberty, Parenting, Relationships, Voluntaryism |
Updated. Originally written in 2016. An effective way to spread Voluntaryism while rewiring your brain for increased awareness, control of your own emotions, understanding of responsibility, and personal power. Have you ever wished you could demonstrate your...
by Scott Howard Swain | May 2, 2021 | All Articles, Climate, Corruption, Life, Voluntaryism |
This video features a compelling presentation by renowned physicist Dr. William Happer at the National Leadership Seminar, sponsored by Hillsdale College, on February 19, 2021, in Phoenix, Arizona. William Happer is the Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor Emeritus in the...
by Scott Howard Swain | Apr 2, 2021 | All Articles, Culture, EQ, Life, Relationships |
by Jim Ateoi Why do men and women seem to have such different goals, interests, and behaviors? Both men and women often get mad or frustrated because they don’t get what they want from the other. They also get mad or frustrated with themselves for making choices that...
by Scott Howard Swain | Dec 17, 2020 | All Articles, Liberty, Voluntaryism |
Originally written 2016. Updated. If a pillar of Libertarianism is tolerance and acceptance of different ways, let’s recognize some ways the “Brutalist” Libertarian merely has a preference for different values than the...
by Scott Howard Swain | Nov 22, 2020 | All Articles, Business, Culture, Economics, Health, Liberty, Life, Privacy, Voluntaryism |
Original publication: November 2020. (1) In progress: Create fear; physical, psychological, and emotional separation; and economic ruin with a bio-plandemic. “But at least we can connect, share information, organize, learn, play, and share & acquire entertainment...
by Scott Howard Swain | Nov 4, 2020 | All Articles, Economics, Health, Liberty, Life, Prepping, Privacy, Voluntaryism |
My greatest worry since the beginning of the Covid-19 situation has been that the government response – “encouraging” us to stay inside and/or apart, as well as force businesses to close – would cause supply chain issues, followed by businesses...
by Scott Howard Swain | Nov 3, 2020 | All Articles, Business, Economics, Liberty, Life, Money, Prepping, Voluntaryism |
Original publication: January 2020. Any one of the ideas below, alone, may have little affect on your expenses. It’s the cumulative effect that matters. They add up. Here’s my list. I’d love to hear yours. Please share your ideas in the comments....
by Scott Howard Swain | Jul 22, 2020 | All Articles, Culture, EQ, Relationships, Voluntaryism |
Official “needs inventory” as originally created by Marshall Rosenberg: Feelings:...
by Scott Howard Swain | Jul 2, 2020 | All Articles, Business, Economics, Liberty, Politics, Voluntaryism |
Most people agree it’s imperative for any entity initiating harm to face consequences. The disagreements tend to be about how. Government regulation is currently the most used and acceptable method for attempting to hold businesses accountable. Unfortunately,...
by Scott Howard Swain | Jun 9, 2020 | All Articles, Culture, EQ, Marxism, Parenting, Relationships |
Originally written by Scott Howard Swain in 2017. Not authoritarian or permissive What I’m recommending is neither “permissive parenting” or “authoritarian parenting”. It’s part of a growing movement called “peaceful...
by Scott Howard Swain | Jun 9, 2020 | All Articles, Business, Economics, Liberty, Politics, Socialism, Voluntaryism |
or “Broken Window Fallacy” simplified by Scotter A window is broken. Is this a net negative or positive for the economy? Look to your intuition. Does this sound to you like a net negative or positive? Some such as Keynes and Krugman say: The net effect on...
by Scott Howard Swain | May 24, 2020 | All Articles, Culture, Economics, Liberty, Marxism, Politics, Socialism, Voluntaryism |
This article is a summary of the video of Scott on the right, below the Candace Owens and Thomas Sowell videos. “Where are we if we don’t have diversity of thought? How are we to have intelligent conversations with each other? How are we to learn from each...
by Scott Howard Swain | May 22, 2020 | All Articles, Liberty, Life, Privacy, Voluntaryism |
“But if I am doing nothing wrong then why worry?” What if privacy is something that makes you a human? While it is useful to deny snoopers such as Facebook, Google, US National Security Agency (NSA), FBI, Police, insurance companies, etc., from seeing your...
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