by Scott Howard Swain | Nov 22, 2023 | All Videos, V-EQ, V-Humor, V-PEP |
Scroll down for video A couple arguing about what activity to do together. She wants to go out but he wants to stay in. These “wants” are strategies to get needs/values met. They choose to go below strategies to investigate the...
by Scott Howard Swain | Aug 2, 2022 | All Videos, EQ, Humor, Parenting, Relationships, V-EQ, V-Gaming, V-Humor, V-Parenting, V-PEP |
Originally published 2024-09 Scroll down for video Watch directly on Odysee (LBRY). Mom wants to go to the store. Jimmy wants to keep playing games. Mom chooses empathy. – When children are raised with recognition of and respect for their needs, they grow up...
by Scott Howard Swain | Jun 18, 2022 | All Videos, V-EQ, V-Humor, V-PEP |
Created in 2012 Scroll down for video Light-hearted example of the “A Practical EmPath” system (PEP) inspired by Nonviolent Communication (NVC) being used in a disagreement between lovers. Sassy Strummer wants to spend time with Drummer Boy out on the...
by Scott Howard Swain | Jun 17, 2022 | All Videos, V-EQ, V-Humor, V-PEP, V-Relationships |
Scroll down for video On YouTube: The “A Practical EmPath” system (PEP) / NVC early days: Imagine a future generation of compassionate adults who truly get their own needs and the needs of others. A generation of adults who deeply understand the link...
by Scott Howard Swain | May 9, 2022 | All Videos, V-Humor, V-Relationships |
NSFW Warning rated R. Most spicy content near end of video. Skip the babble and show me the money Did you watch any of the Amber v Johnny trial back in 2022? Seems like half the time that I share that I’ve enjoyed a couple hours of it and made this satire,...
by Scott Howard Swain | Apr 28, 2022 | All Videos, V-EQ, V-Humor, V-PEP |
Video is below How to Deal with Insecurity: Watch a couple resolving conflict about spending time together and assumed obligations using the “A Practical EmPath” system based on NVC (Nonviolent Communication). Written and animated by Scott Howard Swain....
by Scott Howard Swain | Jan 21, 2022 | All Videos, V-Humor, V-Voluntaryism |
Video is below Animation created January 2012 Short, funny animation with Michele Bachmann asking questions of a doctor friend of Ron Paul about newsletters and Martin Luther King, Jr. Produced by Scotter Watch on...
by Scott Howard Swain | Jan 21, 2022 | All Videos, V-EQ, V-Humor, V-PEP |
Video is below Cute short animation of sad and lonely young lady who travels far from Austin to find the Garbo Fairy. Lessons in empathy and compassion to bring beauty from within herself. Created by Scott Howard Swain Watch on...
by Scott Howard Swain | Jan 21, 2021 | All Videos, V-Humor, V-Marxism, V-Racism, V-Voluntaryism |
Scroll down for video Homies in the year 2040 share rumors with Old Man Bob that on the outside, you can get food from the dirt and water from the sky. They ask him what it was like before the Transition when people could keep their balls. Three minute animation....
by Scott Howard Swain | Oct 15, 2020 | All Videos, V-Humor, V-Voluntaryism |
Video is below Ron Paul as Neo fighting evil. Idea and video editing by Scott Howard Swain. More of this scene coming as time permits! View on...
by Scott Howard Swain | Jul 9, 2020 | All Videos, V-Biz, V-EQ, V-Humor, V-PEP |
“Business Communication Challenges: Feature Creep” Video is below By taking our Emotional Intelligence Tools class, you can “power up” your negotiation skills. See an example below of these principles being used in a business setting. See a three minute animated...
by Scott Howard Swain | Jun 28, 2020 | All Videos, V-Humor, V-Racism, V-Voluntaryism |
Video is below A satirical animated trip into an alternate future where Hillary Clinton won against Donald Trump for the Presidency and makes an appearance on the David Letterman Show. David asks hard questions and Hillary has answers. Included is her plan to equalize...
by Scott Howard Swain | Jun 17, 2020 | All Videos, V-EQ, V-Humor, V-PEP |
Video is below Short comedy skit I made showing the “Practical EmPath” (PEP) system being used in the face of verbal personal attacks. I created the original version is as an advertisement for web hosting and cut out the advertisement part from this...
by Scott Howard Swain | May 28, 2020 | All Videos, V-EQ, V-Humor, V-PEP, V-Privacy, V-Voluntaryism |
Video is below Satire skit on liberty: Guy named Jesus is locked up for talking about love in the park. Boy is locked up for violating the new Loving Your Brother Means You Hate the State and Might Be a Terrorist law. Officer Stadenko speaks up. Script and animation...
by Scott Howard Swain | May 12, 2020 | All Videos, V-Humor, V-Voluntaryism |
Video is below. Satire: Bozo the host talks with Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann, George Bush, and Frosty Snowman about education in America, National Defense, war, discrimination, and other issues. Written and animated by Scott Howard Swain of
by Scott Howard Swain | Apr 16, 2020 | All Videos, V-EQ, V-Humor, V-Parenting, V-PEP |
Videos are below. Hide your fear A boy is taught lessons about hiding his feelings. This one is more poking fun at parenting without the use of any form of conscious communication; an example of parenting not using Nonviolent Communication (NVC); how to parent if you...
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