by Scott Howard Swain | Jun 17, 2020 | All Videos, EQ, Life, V-EQ, V-Humor, V-PEP |
Video is below Short comedy skit I made showing the “Practical EmPath” (PEP) system being used in the face of verbal personal attacks. I created the original version is as an advertisement for web hosting and cut out the advertisement part from this...
by Scott Howard Swain | May 28, 2020 | All Videos, V-EQ, V-Humor, V-PEP, V-Privacy, V-Voluntaryism |
Video is below Satire skit on liberty: Guy named Jesus is locked up for talking about love in the park. Boy is locked up for violating the new Loving Your Brother Means You Hate the State and Might Be a Terrorist law. Officer Stadenko speaks up. Script and animation...
by Scott Howard Swain | Apr 21, 2020 | All Videos, V-EQ, V-Parenting, V-PEP |
Video is...
by Scott Howard Swain | Apr 16, 2020 | All Videos, V-EQ, V-Humor, V-Parenting, V-PEP |
Videos are below. Hide your fear A boy is taught lessons about hiding his feelings. This one is more poking fun at parenting without the use of any form of conscious communication; an example of parenting not using Nonviolent Communication (NVC); how to parent if you...
by Scott Howard Swain | Jan 22, 2020 | All Videos, V-EQ, V-Parenting, V-PEP |
Video is below Find the entire free class starting here: Continue to video 2 by searching the same video site for “Basics of NVC Training”. Please note: There are gaps...
by Scott Howard Swain | Jan 21, 2020 | All Videos, V-EQ, V-Parenting, V-PEP |
Videos are below. Please note: There are some gaps between a few of the lessons in this archive. For the full class, see
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