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We all wear SOME “mask” that shifts based on who we are currently interacting with. Typically, our masks change depending on context. Sometimes we don’t even consciously see parts of our own masks. For example, we might speak differently to a child than to an adult because (a) we know the child has less life experience; and (b) we know our words and actions will have greater impact on the more malleable mind of a child. What if they are a boss? How about a friend? Etc.

The ways I see INTEGRITY:

Having the same philosophy with self, work/client relationships, lovers, friends, children, language, creation, and politics!

For this to make sense and feel more real to you, I will bring two terms to this story that relate to INTEGRITY; CHOICE and FOUNDATION. CHOICE is necessary for many reasons, as you will see. FOUNDATION is what all ideas, relationships, and objects are built upon. You can choose for your FOUNDATION to be made of wishes, expectations, promises, and lies if you want. We’ll see how long anything built upon it lasts.