A DNA test helped Chani find and fix the root cause of her depression-related issues via a targeted supplement and diet regime that worked!

For Chani, in hindsight, the personal and family patterns are obvious.
– Her brother, father, grandfather, and self: alcohol dependent. Low tolerance for stress.
– Hyper-focussed, hyper-analytical, and hyper-critical.
– High achievers in areas of narrow interest.
– History of panic attacks.
– Unable to relax.
– OCD and holding onto negative thought patterns.
– Autoimmune issues.
– Sensitive to noise and crowds.

For years she scoured the internet and tried every potential solution. The list of supplements and diet tricks she tried over the course of the last four years would astound most people. SSRIs didn’t help. Same with therapy.

She ended up taking a DNA test because she’d read that her symptoms and personality traits are highly correlated with certain MTHFR and COMT variants — which are related to methylation, stress hormone processing, and things more complex than she understood.

The test results showed she had the most challenging versions of both of those (MTHFR hetero, and COMT met/met). People who have that double combo make up approximately 5% of the population, but she suspects the prevalence is music higher in the libertarian community she participates in. 

In addition to the common nutrients she already took, now knowing what pathways to target, she started on a new supplement regimen:

SAM-E, adenysl/hydroxy B, magnesium glyphosate, folinic acid, methylfolate (a bit), NAC, and glycine.

Her diet changed some, too. No more coffee. She added more good carbs and greens to her high-protein, almost ketogenic diet. She also replaced her OMAD-ish (One Meal A Day) diet with more frequent eating, including breakfast which she had previously never ate.

The change in her mentality and energy was immediate. She went from preferring to stay in bed all day to renovating the house, organizing the garage, updating her music studio, and booking shows (instead of dreading shows). Where she used to drink in order to feel “normal,” now, with no alcohol, She feels “extra-normal!”