by Scott Howard Swain | Oct 2, 2023 | All Articles, Culture, EQ, Parenting, Relationships |
One of the most liberating ideas I’ve come to is that being excessively positive can sometimes be as destructive as being negative. “What? Are you kidding? What possible drawbacks could there be from having a positive attitude?” Of course,...
by Scott Howard Swain | Oct 2, 2023 | All Articles, Culture, EQ, Health, Life, Parenting, Relationships, Voluntaryism |
Originally written in March 2022. See link to full size chart below. The increase in unhealthy eating, sedentary lifestyles, use of technology, social media, prescription drugs, failed public education, and a certain kind of parenting have contributed to a ballooning...
by Scott Howard Swain | Sep 23, 2023 | All Articles, Health, Life |
Originally written on 2021-04-03 after a little over 2 years of the lifestyle routine below. # Contradicting the ignorance and misinformation from doctors, big pharma, and the grain industry Billions of dollars of drugs are sold to remedy type 2 diabetes. The more I...
by Scott Howard Swain | Aug 20, 2023 | All Articles, Culture, EQ, Life, PEP, Practical Empathy Book, Relationships |
Following is an argument for using a form of empathy I’ve developed called the “Practical EmPath” (PEP) system, based on and similar to Nonviolent Communication (NVC) by Marshall Rosenberg, PhD. Empathy is not agreement, so you risk no loss of...
by Scott Howard Swain | Jul 6, 2023 | All Articles, Business, Liberty, Machine Learning, Politics, Privacy |
There are several realistic dangers associated with a careless attitude toward digital privacy: Rampant Identity Theft: Identity thieves empowered by casually shared personal information can strip away our security, freedom, and prosperity. These manipulative digital...
by Scott Howard Swain | Jul 6, 2023 | AGI, AI, All Articles, ASI, ChatGPT, GPT, LLM, Machine Learning, ML, OpenAI |
Have you ever been in a situation where your short term memory was so limited that you had an idea, sought to speak it, and by mid-sentence, forgot the idea? Can you imagine how limiting that can be to your ability to reason? After building a number of applications...
by Scott Howard Swain | May 5, 2023 | AGI, AI, All Articles, ASI, ChatGPT, Corruption, Culture, GPT, Liberty, Life, LLM, Machine Learning, Marxism, ML, OpenAI, Politics, Socialism, Voluntaryism |
Me:”Hello, please summarize the book ‘Democracy, the God That Failed’ by Hans-Herman Hoppe. Describe up to 10 of the key ideas in the book, and for each key idea, give up to 3 arguments or pieces of evidence from the book that support the...
by Scott Howard Swain | Mar 31, 2023 | All Articles, Culture, EQ, Parenting, PEP, Practical Empathy Book, Uncategorized, Unschooling |
Punishment and reward Some common punishments “Stop crying. Calm down. Knock it off. You’re fine. There’s nothing wrong with you. Be quiet. Shut your mouth and do what I told you to do. You’ll get over it.” Or distractions like...
by Scott Howard Swain | Dec 23, 2022 | All Articles, Business, Economics, Liberty, Politics, Voluntaryism |
On the surface a person might believe, “If we didn’t have intellectual property laws, it would open the floodgates for copycats everywhere, reducing incentive for people to create. We would have Chinese phones that look like iPhones and poor Apple!...
by Scott Howard Swain | Oct 5, 2022 | All Articles, Business, Economics, Liberty, Life, Money, Prepping |
First, the obvious Keep some emergency cash in it. Buy some gold and/or silver rounds to keep in there for when the economy collapses. A safe helps you keep what you have, in case of burglary or even dishonest people attending events in your home. Now for the less...
by Scott Howard Swain | Sep 26, 2022 | All Articles, Culture, EQ, Life, Parenting, Relationships, Unschooling |
Excerpt from the "A Practical EmPath" system by Scott Howard Swain. Originally written in September 2022. Permissive <> Practical <> Authoritarian A friend came to visit the other day. Let’s call her Jane. She complained some that she was really glad to...
by Scott Howard Swain | Aug 21, 2022 | All Articles, Health, Liberty, Life, Prepping, Voluntaryism |
Began December 2021. Modified often. Price: Free This is for growth, learning, play, and connection. Not a money-making endeavor. New Location On lovely, wooden, back deck. Msg for address. Calendar: Next sessions If I don’t have other plans, I’m usually...
by Scott Howard Swain | Aug 20, 2022 | All Articles, EQ, Liberty, Parenting, Relationships, Voluntaryism |
vir-tue [ vurchoo ] 1. goodness: the quality of being morally good or righteous 2. good quality: a quality that is morally good 3. admirable quality: a quality that is good or admirable, but not necessarily in terms of morality. “If you make a choice under...
by Scott Howard Swain | Aug 1, 2022 | All Articles, Culture, EQ, Marxism, Parenting, Relationships, V-PEP |
Originally written by Scott Howard Swain in 2016. Based on his book, the "A Practical EmPath" system, and NVC. Who started it? I think most of us can agree that forcing another person to do something against their will rarely works out as we’d like to see. Yet...
by Scott Howard Swain | Jun 29, 2022 | All Articles, Business, Economics, Health, Life, Prepping, Voluntaryism |
From STORY AT-A-GLANCE It’s becoming increasingly clear that severe food shortages are going to be inevitable, more or less worldwide, and whatever food is available will continue to go up...
by Scott Howard Swain | Jun 5, 2022 | All Articles, Business, Culture, EQ, Life, Parenting, PEP, Practical Empathy Book, Relationships |
from my book, A Practical EmPath: Rewire Your Mind. I used to think fear was the emotion underlying anger. Until a woman in one of my Practical Empathy Practice Groups said it was actually frustration. I thought about that. I tried to think of a situation where anger...
by Scott Howard Swain | May 10, 2022 | All Articles, Business, Culture, Economics, EQ, Liberty, Life, Parenting, PEP, Politics, Practical Empathy Book, Privacy, Relationships, Unschooling, Voluntaryism |
Updated. Originally written in 2014. You probably see the inequities and corruption in our current system. Do you also see the growing distance between you and other humans, in your beliefs, amount of time spent with others, and level of compassion you feel or are...
by Scott Howard Swain | Mar 13, 2022 | All Articles, Economics, Liberty, Marxism, Politics, Socialism, Voluntaryism |
All of us want and may see pragmatic or “practical” solutions, issue by issue. On the surface that may sound more effective than a principled approach, if you even understand what “principled approach” is. Example that I hope helps clarify the...
by Scott Howard Swain | Feb 28, 2022 | All Articles, Culture, EQ, Parenting, Relationships |
This article is an analysis of “The Power Of Wholeness And Healing: Ho’oponopono”… First, I want to point out the potential positive aspects of the above mentioned system. I...
by Scott Howard Swain | Feb 25, 2022 | All Articles, Culture, EQ, Life, Parenting, PEP, Practical Empathy Book, Relationships |
Originally written in 2016. Updated. When you think of how much you trust people, do you think in terms of: (A) I either trust them or I don’t. OR (B) My trust for a person has a range from “no trust” or “very little trust” through...
by Scott Howard Swain | Feb 7, 2022 | All Articles, Culture, Economics, Liberty, Politics, Socialism, Voluntaryism |
Originally written 2016. Updated. We have all heard American Republicans and Democrats speak of each other with rancor. It is especially tragic when we realize both “sides” want the same things; fairness, peace, health, prosperity, a strong WiFi signal,...
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