now my take on carbohydrates particularly glucose and fructose if they’re so good for us why does the body
do absolutely everything in its capacity to get it out of the bloodstream low
carb has got a clear scientific role in the management of diabetes and if you’ve got diabetes and you want to eat sugar
and ice cream you’re going to be making an informed decision to be an idiot the biggest functioning organ in the body is
the glycocalix it’s not the skin and when you spike the blood glucose you damage the glyco calx your myard
reaction kicks in you are toasting your brain your kidneys your eyes if you eat sugar eat fructose you are going to be
hungry all of the time there’s also going to be an alcohol pathway which is going to be making us lethargic tired
less motivated have we noticed this in society yes we’ve got fatter sicker lazier we’ve up the glucose we’ve up the
damage we up the fructose we up the particles which are causing more damage and then we add in the seed oils which
are inflammatory bang we’ve got The Perfect Storm we’ve got a description of modern disease Gary somebody following a
conventional dietary strategy they consume a meal highing carbohydrates as
we’re told to do let’s take us through the physiology of what happens in the body acutely after that first of all
I’ll take I’ll take you to task you know I will because I’ll actually call what you’re calling a
conventional lifestyle diet I’ll call that unconventional because historically
what people have you know by dietary guidelines in the last 00 years is so
far away from our evolutionary diet so I think we’ve actually been under a
dietary nutrition experiment for 100 years definitely 50 years so there are
we’ I’ve disagreed with you right from the start so if you’re talking about a
standard American a standard Australian what’s called the
sad sad di then you if I think I think that’s what you’re presuming to be the
conventional one you know based around the food pyramid and the my plate exactly and I totally agree with what
you said up till this point when I say conventional I’m talking about what dietitians are recommending to the
population as a whole these days oh I I I I do understand that but I thought i”d be controversial right from the
word go well not controversial just you know I think we’ve been we’re a soci
experiment that that’s failing you know and at some point in time you’re driving up the highway against the traffic and
you’ll realize it’s going to be a disaster and that’s what we’ve been doing for 50 years 100 Years anyway the
standard diet which has been recommendations are being literally pushed down our throats you know like
the food pyramid having a diet which is 50 to 60%
carbohydr if you have that then that let’s there are
essentially going to be four components to it there’s going to be carbohydrate there’s going to be protein there’s
going to be fat and there’s going to be micronutrients in the form of vitamins and
minerals the standard diet and taking the first thing the micronutrients
vitamins and minerals the St the modern diet the current conventional diet is
actually going to be relatively lower in those than it has
partly because of what food when you Ultra process food you lose those and
partly because our foods are depleted in some of those vitamins and minerals
because of modern agricultural practice our diet from a nutritional
aspect needs to have essential proteins and essential fats and if you
get that in a standard diet good but you need to be a complete set of essential fats and a complete set of complete
essential fat essential proteins and fats and the problem is that needs to be
an animal-based diet rather than the plant-based diet and plant-based diet will be incomplete in essential fats and
incomplete in essential proteins so let’s come to the
carbohydrate component and carbohydrates are either glucose or fructose or
combinations of it you may have um some non-digestible carbohydrate
in the form of fibers but from effectively from a biochemical aspect which gets into our system it’s glucose
and fructose you know what we absorb into our bloodstream is glucose and fructose
we don’t absorb the non-digestible carbohydrate by definition it’s non-digestible it’s digestible if you’re
a cow or an ape because we’ve got fermenting systems in the for gut or the
hind gut for those animals so glucose and fructose as it turns out are the
carbohydrates that we absorb and there is no biochemical pathway in the body
that requires us to have carbohydrate to to to ingest it we don’t
actually need the very small amount of glucose that we require can be generated
from the breakdown of fat or the breakdown of proteins so essentially
carbohydrate in the diet is know essential that’s it it’s just
nonessential yet we’ve got food guidelines that say it should be 50 or 60% our evolutionary diet was depleted
of carbohydrate for the vast majority of the time we can come back to that so if you eat 50 or 60% of glucose
and carbo and and sugars in your diet when you eat that there are a few things
that happen first of all when it hits your mouth
there’s a um break down an enzyme called amas and that’s bro secreted in the
mouth and immediately starts breaking down the carbohydrates and the glucose chains so
and you can test that by having a bit of bread and you put it in your mouth and it’s
bland but if you hold it in your mouth for 30 seconds a minute I it gets soggy
and just chew it there but the Amal will break the gluc complex glucose bonds up
and you’ll just break glucose and after 30 seconds or so I haven’t done it for years it will start to taste a little
bit sweet so that’s the very first thing carbohydrate starts getting broken down in our gut when it’s the mouth now
my take on carbohydrates particularly glucose and fructose if they’re so good
for us so healthy for us why does the body do absolutely everything in its
capacity to get it out of the bloodstream and we’ll go through that
but essentially take the flip side of glucose say look at the other side of
the coin say actually is carbohydrate is glucose harmful to us because the body
doesn’t like it it may use it as a fuel but it actually doesn’t want it in the
bloodstream and we got proof of that and that’s I’ve done a talk with called
carbohydrate the doses the poison I did that talk through CO as my mental
stimulation to actually say if we’re going to demonize carbohydrate let’s look at what is toxic dose and I came up
ultimately with a dose of 4 gram starts to having a negative impact on the system that’s the definition toxicity
when something has a negative impact and four grams is one teaspoon it’s 1/5 of a
slice of bread um what is it you know it’s
only 50 Ms of Coca-Cola you know you know it’s like it’s a very it’s a
mouthful of Coca-Cola now how did I come to that conclusion so a carbohydrates are
non-essential in our biochemical Pathways for survival and energy and and
life itself they’re seasonally available so we don’t have them vast majority of time we do in modern society because of
food transport and food mileage and storage and packaging and
processing if we look just at glucose gets broken down in the mouth
broken down in the gut absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract goes up the
hepatic into the liver and then is pretty well metabolized by the
liver some of it goes out into the bloodstream but it’s primary metabolism there small
amount of it’s turned into glycogen glycogen is our storage of glucose in our muscles and our liver for short-term
activity that’s for our fight fight or flight reflex you just need a boom a ballus of energy in the muscles to get
us out of trouble the pancreas which is a organ sitting right next to the
liver when the blood glucose shows up a little bit the pancreas will secrete
insulin and Insulin will push that glucose into the tissues and store it as
fat and it will do that almost
instantaneously insulin a is a fat storage hormone but it’s also a tumor hormone it’s the biggest promoter of
cancers above any other hormone if your insulin levels go up you get more likely
to get cancer those people with diabetes who have high insulin levels have higher rates of cancer if you are insulin
resistant and your insulin levels go up you have higher rates of cancer it’s well and truly Association but
biochemically it’s a stimulator of cancer again that’s one of my cancer
Talks on YouTube another thing is in insulin is an inflammation hormone so it will in
fact make inflammation worse and there’s been good studies out of China related to arthritis of the knee if you eat if
you have a if your insulin levels go up inflammation in the knee goes up if you have reduced insulin levels inflammation
in the knee goes down very nice neat biochemical studies so when you eat
glucose goes into the liver body secretes insulin has a primary effect
there of actually getting stored and taken out of the
bloodstream it’s common to see you know his Ally people will have a
high carb meal you know and they’ll go and about an hour then their blood glucose goes up
an hour or two later they’ll go exhausted and they’re
hungry again for more carbs and that’s actually an insulin effect because the body’s gone to extreme efforts to
actually if you’ve got a good functioning pancreas and a good metabolic Health your blood glucose goes up insulin secreted drives it down and
there’s a bit of an overshoot so you start having a hypo hypo leing a lower blood glucose and that will affect Drive
hunger and you’ll listen to people with diabetes or insulin resistance or those who are carb loaded who’ll be on this
cycle of think I’m hungry I’m tired I’m hungry I’m tired I’m hungry I’m tired
just but it’s really almost a reflection of their insulin levels going up and down and therefore those people and vast
majority of people on the planet are you know hungry and eating eight meals a day
you know there have something with the moment you wake up then you have breakfast then you have morning tea then
you have lunch and then you have afternoon tea then you have something after school or before dinner then you
have dinner then you have supper and you have a little snack before you go to bed you I’ve lost count of that but our
bodies have lost the ability to actually even fast for 2 hours let alone fast for
6 hours or 12 hours or 24 hours which is the way we evolved so that insulin going up and
down and yo-yoing glucose when it hits the bloodstream is actually quite
damaging to this the surface layer of arteries called the glycocalix
the biggest functioning organ in the body is the glycocalix it’s not the skin
you know on a trivia most trivia nights you go to what’s the biggest organ in the body and the answer is skin for the
trivan ey but at the glycocalix is a living organ because it produces nitric
oxide in particular and it’s actually moving blood through our capill blood
vessels and the glycocalix um a produces nitric oxide which opens
up the blood vessels in front so the little red or particularly the blood cells can get through the the very small
capillaries in our blood stream if you give it a glucose
load and it’s being experimented as low as 40 G so 10 teaspoons of sugar hitting
the system the glyco calx is damaged the glyco calx grows back very
quickly over four to 6 hours but those people with diabetes when it’s being
studied have glycocalix layers which are 50% 70%
thinner than those people who don’t have diabetes the analogy of that is if your glyx
layer is very thin it’s more likely to have damage it’s more likely to have holes in it they’re more likely for
things to leak out it’s the same as the leaky gut syndrome people have an awareness of that we’ve been talked
about that if you’ve got more um leaks more holes in your gut
lining more permeability then there are inflammatory proteins inflammatory
materials oxalates you know lot of things from the plants can get into the bloodstream so it’s the same as a gut
permeability problem but it’s actually a vascular permeability and the thing which does that damage more than anything is
glucose good old simple glucose damages our arterial walls more than anything
it’s just so that’s another effect of glucose the other thing we talked about I know in the last talk was about the my
reaction of glucose we did but let’s get back into it yeah and but I think it’s
it’s such an easy way to understand it because the my hydration is a cooking term and when you actually cook
something it goes Brown so you can go down to the local bakery you can see all the brown pastries you know the breads
the pastries um Donuts cakes they’ve all got this little brown layer on them and
that’s because glucose combines with protein under the effect of heat and that’s called a caramelization it’s a
cooking term gives the Browning exactly the same thing happens when your blood glucose spikes blood
glucose spikes up to here tissue glucose because it gets you know goes across
into the tissues it’s not quite the same as blood glucose but gets up there and under the effect of body heat the
glucose in your tissue combins with the protein in the tissue and starts the same myard reaction so every time your
blood glucose spikes every time someone with diabetes their blood glucose box someone with pre-diabetes when they
glucose box they’re effectively toasting their brain kidneys their eyes their tissues every single organ of the body
and that’s just glucose under the effect of protein and body heat that’s simple
biochemistry and when our diets were was 5% glucose yeah 5%
carbohydrate 1% 10% that situation occurred rarely but
now if 50% of your diet is carbohydrate heating the system every 2 hours 4 hours
our blood glucoses are spiking the pancreas is getting exhausted that’s
what ultimately you get thing called hyper too high insulin hyper insulin
anemia the system’s exhausted so the glucose doesn’t get stored away as
quickly as it can because our fat cells are ex fall to the brim because of the
amount of glucose and carbohy HD has been pushed into them so it spills over into the bloodstream you get the myod
reaction so if you come back to where we are if you eat carbohydrate and you eat it in
excess and certainly the more refined it is you’re going to have an acute effect
of your in your liver with it being stored in fat the muscles are going to get fat in them but you’re also going to
get damage to the blood gluc to the glyco kyx you’re going to get this is short-term damage to the gly cic
shortterm damage to them by that my reaction and the longer term damage bya
the insulin affects tumor inflammation that’s just glucose and the
other hot side of the coin is fructose so sugar is half glucose half fructose
high fructose corn syrup and honey are about 55% fructose 45% glucose that
figure varies a little bit fruits are different amounts of glucose and fructose but they are just glucose and
fructose so someone says oh fruit’s natural sugar no it’s still glucose it’s
still fructose they are the same biochemical Pathways so fructose we didn’t know a
lot about that until about 20110 with pretty well definitive papers
being written so and we’re still learning about it but
nonetheless fructose uh doesn’t get not much absorption in the mouth but it comes up
the gut into the liver and it’s pretty well fully metabolized in the liver
small amount in the gut in the Mason tree the wall of the gut very small amount in the testies but there so
that’s I think related to our fertility again we don’t need to eat that but we it’s that’s the only other
spot where it’s metabolized so the body does everything in its capacity to stop
the fructose getting into the bloodstream it all happens in the liver a small
amount turned into glycogen but buger all because most is
glucose fruit we know you make wine from fruit and it’s the fructose component
and the liver does the same thing there’s a thing called an aldah part put fructose into the liver fructose gets
metabolized to aldah which is an alcohol and we end up with this if you have too much fructose then you end up
with non-alcoholic fatty liid disease you end up with the same Pathways that we see in alcoholic liver disease
therosis but we’re now seeing non-alcoholic F Li as a normal finding
on CAT scans of the abdomen on MRIs of the abdomen uh 8% of 10y
olds have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and that’s a paper from probably seven or eight years ago so it can only
be worse now so we’re seeing children with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
and there have been a few papers now which say if you take fructose out of the diet in teenagers that liver
change flips is restored to normal within weeks so you know it’s a reversible
situation liver has a great capacity to heal itself so fructose has an aldah pathway it has a uric acid pathway as a
breakdown and uric acid inhibits nitric oxide production nitric
oxide is that one I talked about in the blood vessel walls but nitric oxide is not only there to keep our blood vessels
open and keep them working also has an effect on maintaining our circulation in the brain and also a function in M um in
our immune system for allowing the white cells to move into tissues which are damaged so white cells have got to get
to the point of repair and they do that under the effect
of nitric oxide if you have too much fructose in in your diet you produce too much uric acid and you lose
mobility of those white cells it’s called motility and again there’s been some
studies going back 30 40 years looking at white cell motility under glucose
loads and sugar loads there’s a great study done it was a pilot study that
effectively looked at if you eat carbohydrate
you in fact slow up your white cell function for around 72
hours and if you fast you improve white cell function now as a
surgeon forever we give you know you go to the after the hospital you give
people food after their anesthetic you know they had an operation they give them food and most hospitals serve up
bread ice cream biscuits orange juice that sort of thing from a healing aspect from a white
cell function aspect that glucose carbohydrate sugar load which we give
people within a couple of hours is Haring our healing
ability for the next 72 hours what’s the most critical time after an operation
you want everything to be working it’s the first few days isn’t it well you want it to be working all the time but
but what we’re doing is we’re giving people something which is slowing up their healing the moment they wake up after an
anesthetic and that Dart has been around for decades yet you know we choose to ignore it because that’s it’s much
easier to give people you know white bread and um and a bit of cake and a
biscuit and and and a fruit juice it’s driven me insane you know that over a
long period of time another thing that fructose does is it makes us
hungry when you eat fructose it will make you hungry it does that by a couple of Pathways one
is um it stimulates gin and gin is the hormone in the you feel in your stomach
which gives you the rumbly tummy it’s a hunger hormone it leptin
and fructose inhibits leptin now leptin is a hormone produced by the fat in our
bodies and if you’ve got plenty of fat on board it tells you you don’t need to eat
anymore the fructose inhibits the elon’s effect back on the brain the
hypothalamus and as a result of that we have two a double-edged sword a we’ve
got something telling us even our body is telling us we got plenty of fat on board you don’t need to eat anymore the
fructose is saying ignore that and it will give give you the grill now how do we the proof of that in
nature is that animals when fruit comes into season which is the only natural
source of fructose apart from honey and breast milk but if when fruit comes into the
season at the end of summer beginning of winter animals are Driven
Crazy to eat as much as they possibly can so they get fat for winter storage
for winter hibernation and it’s the fructose component of it that does that it’s the
fructose component that’s telling the animal to eat this Gorge themselves so
they get fat for winter we also see that you know when I don’t know if you’ve seen some of the
videos of monkeys coming eating fruit on a tree when it comes into season and the
monkeys actually lie around drunk afterwards totally lethargic
because of the alcohol effect so what are the implications for us as humans in in in modern society
well if you eat sugar eat fructose you are going to be hungry all of the
time there’s also going to be an alcohol pathway which is going to be making us lethargic tired less
motivated have we noticed this in society yes we’ve got fatter sicker
lazier all and you know we’re coming up to Christmas nowr Christmas Is You
know the family get together you have the big lunch and half the family are asleep by
mid you know in the midaf afternoon and a little bit of it’s the alcohol they drunk most of it’s the food everyone’s
just lying around tired and Le hardly so again the biochemistry is fructose the
observation is it’s having that effect fructose continues to have effects it
actually increases insulin resistance in muscle so it makes it harder for the
glucose to be to be managed uh by the muscle as a fat
storage the other thing that fructose does is It ultimately as a waste product
gets converted into small dense low density lipoproteins now the term
lipoprotein is what’s been Loosely called good cholesterol bad cholesterol
lipoproteins are combinations of lipid which is fat and proteins to actually move them around
the bloodstream so fat in itself will just float in water so fat by itself is
not easily transportable in the bloodstream proteins are not easily
absorbed into the bloodstream so they combine in a combination called A
lipoprotein to be transported around the bloodstream so that you you can take your protein from the liver and the fat
where that’s the the metabolisms done and it’s then transported the
tissues and those lipoproteins end up being of all different shapes and sizes
and densities and so that’s why we end up calling things good cholesterol and bad cholesterol so terrible term there’s
a whole spectrum of lipoproteins and the only way to really work out what’s good and bad is to do a
thing called a lipid subfraction analysis forget your standard cholesterol test the F standard profile that’s done the
only thing that’s decent in that is a triglyceride level because the triglycerides are an indirect
measurement of the small dense LLS so most people I only know the
numbers here for Australia you’re told triglycerides are good if they’re less than two but if they’re less than7 which
is where minus 6 not bragging it’s just what it is seven means you have no small
dense LDL particles floating around the bloodstream so it’s the poor man’s test of that on a standard lipid profile if
it’s higher than that then you do have it so what happens with the small dense ldls they’re the ones which actually
float around the bloodstream and I call them a gold they’re a goldilock particle because they can get into the blood
they’re just the right size and shape to get into the our blood vessel walls so
they don’t just go through the blood they go through the blood vessel walls
and they get stuck there now in a old Society going back
100 years you can eat your sugar you can eat your carbohydrates and you will
produce small dense LLS the problems been that the remember
I that lipoproteins the proteins haven’t changed much over time but the lipid the
fats have so 100 years ago the Omega 6 component
of the fat was about 1% the Omega 6 component
of the fat in our bodies is now about 25 to
30% so people have heard of Omega 3s and Omega 6s and Omega 9s if
I as it turns out we do need very small amounts of those but the amount once you get past that limit then they become
inflammatory and they become inflammatory because they can become oxidized and if 30% of the fat in our
fat is now Omega 6 it becomes oxidized and that becomes highly
inflammatory so we’ve got these small dense elal particles being produced by fructose they then get into the our
organs into the blood vessel walls they are oxidized there becomes a whole inflammatory
mess um you want me to go back to saturated fat versus polyunsaturated let’s go there
but first I want to make a connection with something you brought up earlier the glucose in our system when it hits a
certain threshold having that leaky damaging impact on the glyx so I’m
trying to tie this into the part of the story you’re at now with the small dense LDL from
fructose I would have to imagine that glucose fructose combination together with the damage to the
glyx would enhance the issues of the small dens Lal
yes I use the term it’s a perfect storm you know we we we we’ve compounded
one upon the other we’ve up the glucose we’ve up the damage we up the fructose
we up the particles which are causing more damage and then we add in the seed oils which are inflammatory bang we’ve
got The Perfect Storm we’ve got a description of modern disease we’ve also got the fact that 40% of
glucose is converted to fructose by a thing called the poly pathway and that
that to me was the runaway train moment you know we can put
everything together but if we actually then create so much glucose load on the system and finding out that 40% of it
turned into fructose which is even more small Den ldls which is more particles
which are ready to getting oxidized bang we’ve yeah it’s not everything I think
there are other chemicals in our in our food food system I think there are other toxins in our food system I think we’ve
got other issues in our bodies not enough not enough sleep not enough light or the wrong light I find all that light
thing all of those other contributing factors but at the core of
it what fuel you put in your car determines how the car is going to run
you can put as much paint and polish and clean it and vacuum it and all that sort of thing has an effect on your car but
this the fuel that’s the primary issue and so I think that’s where the modern
diet the conventional modern diet is I think toxic inflammatory
Progressive but also able to be remediated so you can just do the
opposite of that and reduce the sugar the carbs and Seed oils and see what happens and so many people following you
me others have done that going low carb or go keto or go
carnivore because that is the opposite of eating an ultr processed conventional
diet and then you see what happens to yourself are literally just reducing
this inflammatory load you know like it’s just it’s it’s so damn obvious if
someone’s hitting you with a bat you know in the face just walk away from it
you know if you if you’re driving up the highway and and there all this traffic to coming at you turn around do the
opposite I it’s and the biochemistry is is simple I’m I’m an
orthopedic surgeon if an orthopedic surgeon can understand this biochemistry you know what what about
all the other clever doctors out there you know we’re just the Carpenters of life but you know but one the things
about Orthopedics is it is about oh here’s a problem how do we fix it and that’s all I’ve done is we’ve just gone
back to what is the root cause well the root cause is we’re putting the wrong fuel in the car let’s put the right fuel
in the body and then see what benefits and it like it changed my clinical practice so
much um just by people changing their diet
meant I meant I I ended up operating a lot less people took control of their
lives they were empowered and they improved their health and they didn’t need an operation or maybe they needed a newe replacement we put it off for 6
months we put it off for a year we put it off for two and I can guarantee you it’s much easier to recover from a knee
replacement when you’ve lost 5 or 10 kilog than if you’re carrying an extra 5 or 10
kg um just back to oils and fat
fats because they’re the same thing an oil and a fat is the same thing the
combinations of saturated fat monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated
fats and the term fat and oil is determined by what that H what how it looks at room
temperature so butter at room temperature is a
solid canola oil at room temperature is a liquid
and it’s really a combination it’s really determined by how much saturated fat versus polyunsaturated fat there is
in it so if you get a fat and it’s got and it’s
saturated it means it has no double Bonds in it and it’s quite solid and so
it will stay solid at room temperature but at body temperature which is what our 37 degrees that will in fact be
liquid it’ll be fluid it’s be it’s mobile you’ve only got to put butter out in the
sun and you’ll see it all melt it just goes cool if you put butter in the fridge it
goes Rock Solid if you put one double bond into it
that becomes monounsaturated it’s just got one double bond and that creates a little bit of
flexibility if you put multiple double bonds into it it becomes
polyunsaturated so m multiple double bonds creates more flexibility creates that’s why polyunsaturated oil
is liquid at room temperature now saturated fats tend to be mostly
coming from animal boast polyunsaturated fats tend to be coming from plants
plants need to have all that flexibility and a liquid oil at cold temperatures
because it you know where you are you get snow I presume at some so if the
plant had saturated fats in it then the plant will die it will just freeze up
completely so it needs liquidity it needs liquidity at low temp at very low
temperature so that comes from being polyunsaturated now there’s no food that is 100% saturated fat or 100%
polyunsaturated they’ve all got little combinations of it you know even Butter’s got a bit of poly unsaturated
oil in it so the now the poly then becomes you’ve got Omega-3s Omega 6s Omega 9
Omega 12s goes on and that refers to the number of double bonds that are in that chain of fatty acids to make up the the
oil now the flexibility of that oil the
flexibility of that fatty chain comes at a price because each one of those double bonds becomes a point of weakness which
can become oxidized and the analogy is like a bit of metaling rust so when the seed oil becomes
oxidized that becomes rancid so butter doesn’t tend to go
raner because it doesn’t have much in the way of double Bonds in it a seed oil under the effect of oxygen will
become rancid now we can take we’ve seen all this stuff that happens in our refrigerator if you leave the stuff on
the bench it goes exactly the same process happens when we eat it so the
amount of fats and the distribution of fat whether or not it’s saturated mon
saturated poly unsaturated that’s in our body is a direct reflection of what we
eat so as I say 100 years ago it was estimated that the amount of Omega 6 six
double Bonds in our body was about 1% and it’s now been measured to be 25 to 30% in a
linear in a linear way and Stephan gonet put that stuff together 10 years ago now
found a whole lot of Articles starting in the 1950s where they started measuring the amount of linolic acid in
the fat and again that’s an association evidence but it makes sense and what’s was interesting from other data the
amount of linolic acid in breast milk of us women United States women was much
much much higher than that in African women so my take on all of that and
again that in itself may be a little bit controversial is that if we’re actually making our
babies at an embryonic level two cells four cells 8 16 and then
going up from there and we’re starting with our building blocks being made up
of oxidizable or oxidized fat 30% of them then we’re creating our babies out
of inflammatory material remember the old story of The Three Little Pigs you know if you got a choice of building a
house out of bricks or out of wood or out of Twigs that’s what we’re but we’re now
baby making our babies for the last 50
years out of inflammatory polyunsaturated fats which can become
oxidized we’re combining that with high sugar and carbohydrate loads and that creates
inflammation by my Reckoning in every single blood vessel in every single
corner of the body every single cell membrane every single mitochondrial membrane remembering they’re the engines
of the cells where all of this energy of food gets turned into energy every single corner of our bodies
is now made up of inflammatory material is it any wonderand
that all disease is B based on inflammation is that any Wonder we’ve got out of control cancer mental health
obesity diabetes um High you know cardiovascular disease kidney disease um learning
issues you know children’s cancer rates are going up at around about 3% perom over the last 40
years every year another three an extra 3% off a low
base but nonetheless it’s going up cancer rates are going up we can add
in all sorts of other things whether or not it’s chemicals or you know again things we talked about in the food
cycle but to me the base first step is it’s our
food and it’s and it’s one thing you can take control over today and when it comes to the seed
oil piece there is good and bad news there the good news is over time we can
change up the food we’re taking in the fats and oils we’re taking in make better choices and do sort of an oil
change on our body over time bad news is it takes
years and that’s not even you just put out four fingers that’s not even the whole story that’s one half life yeah
talk more about that I think well it’s really hard to drag out
that data um oh I’ve just got to um it’ll come to me
back it there’s a fellow in New York who’s a professor of oils I think he’s retired
now he’s written a book Glenn Glenn come to me anyway um he
wrote a piece about this and then I wrote to him about it saying what is the halflife of an Omega six linolic acid in
the body and he said I’ll read my book so I read his book from cover cover and I
emailed him back saying look I’ve read your book from cover to cover it’s really interesting we talk about all this inflammation or whatever but he
didn’t answer my question of what at the half lifee and he says very good question Gary we don’t know but it’s
probably in the vicinity of four years to get rid of those fats it’s got a slow turnover so to get rid of fat of to
reduce the amount of inflammation the amount of oxidizable Omega sixes in
particular is probably take at least 4 years now
anecdotally if you listen to people and again this listen to people who have
got neurodegenerative problems inflammation problems autoimmune
problems they’ll say that they do a low carb ketogenic carnivore diet and they feel better but if you really listen to
them and it’s one of the few times I have listened to my sister and
sisters-in-law they say one of my sisters one of my sister-in-laws um she
was diagnosed with Ms multiple sclerosis it was not quite right but nonetheless
that was a diagnosis she was given and she reluctantly agreed to try what I’ve been talking about and yapping
about because sisters never believe Brothers have you got any sisters no brother oh yeah well most siblings don’t
believe the other sibling okay anyway but she reluctantly did it and then she came back to me said 4 years down the
track she said I’ve come off all my medication everything’s better now it’s not just a
oneoff story it’s a multiple stories like that um I can’t remember if I told you
last time about my well she was my our teenage daughter at that time we got off the plane traveling and she had a
craving for McDonald’s chips and she’s um she’s 16 tall long
leggy blonde and she said and she said Dad can I have some McDonald’s chips and she
knew that I was very a carbs processed food seed
oils and she looked me in the eye and she said look dad let me have them please I promise not to get pregnant for
4 years now that is a perfect informed consent she made a decision to poison
her body but she knew the repercussions of it were going to be there for 4 years
and she promised not to get pregnant now you tell me any father who’s not going to Fork out $3 or whatever it is to have
his 16-year-old daughter promise him that she’s not going to get pregnant for 4 years so she didn’t by the way get
pregnant she’s 29 now but nonetheless um and that’s an informed
decision and I quite like informed consent you know like if as a surgeon
you give informed consent to patients before they have an ation if you smoke nowadays you’ve made
a pretty well informed decision to be an idiot you know if you the amount of
information we have about tobacco causing harm and people still smoking
they know that it’s bad for them but they’ve done that so it’s an informed decision to smoke SL to be an
idiot what I would like us to see and maybe it will w’t happen in my lifetime
I’d like to see that if you decide to eat ultr processed food which is high in sugar and carbohydrates and Seed oils
that you’re making an informed decision to eat that knowing that it’s not good for
you that would be a that that would be that’s that’s a big step some years ago
people said what’s your end game and our end game with diabetes has been achieved
and so therefore if you have type two diabetes you should be informed
that it is reversible by therapeutic carbohydrate reduction that’s the official term and
that you should be supported to do that now it’s not happening everywhere in the world but
here in Australia in the last couple of years with an enormous amount of work therapeutic carbohydrate reduction low
carb is now in the National diabetes guidelines it’s been adopted as best practice guidelines by the Australian
diabetes society which is all endocrinologists and by diabetes Australia so we have it now in the
guidelines so if you recommend this to people you are no longer dangerous you’re no this is based on good science
it’s been adopted by the peak bodies to say this is it so here in
Australia I’ve achieved an outcome that we want for me we’ve gotten to that point there are other countries around
the world and I was speaking to a Nordic doctor you know I won’t mention which country because uh ear this week who’s
trying to do do the same thing in this country adopt a guideline which is now
internationally referenced but she’s come come up against all the same barriers that we
have for the last 15 years so low carb has got a clear got a clear
scientific role in the management of diabetes and if you’ve got diabetes and you want to eat sugar and ice cream
you’re going to be making an informed decision to be an idiot can we now move that on to the rest of society to say if
you want to keep eating ultr processed food you’re going to be making an informed decision to P your poor health
and I think you’ve heard me say before you and I’ve said it I keep saying it if you eat by the food pyramid you’re going
to die by the food pyramid along the way you’re going to look like it you know that’s it in a nutshell but that food
pyramid is not based on science it’s based on beliefs it’s based on food industry profitability and all those
cereals and Grains at the bottom you know the my plate that’s in out of the
US guidelines doesn’t even have meat on it anymore it’s just got protein and
it’s still high you know Laden in carbohydrates when you break it all down
so um if you eat by dietary guidelines I’d like people to start
saying don’t trust the government you know how many examples have we had of that in the
last well I’ll just say few years and leave at that you know when did because the people who get involved
in writing these guidelines whether or not their medical guidelines the food
guidelines are pretty well supported or compromised by their
Industries and so you don’t have to scratch the surface very hard to find out that virtually
everyone on these guideline committees has a tie to the food industry or the pharmaceutical
industry and
so what do you think they come out with they don’t come out with something that say that’s bad for their industry do
they and we have continued to swallow this information in the belief that our government has our best interests and
no and I haven’t gone down any conspiracy theor there it’s not it it’s not a conspiracy if it turns out to be a
fact you know it’s just just every day you read something which goes I was
talking about that 10 years ago now it’s coming to coming to fruition before we
fully close the door on the seed oil piece let’s make sure we’re really clear with people what oil specifically we’re
talking about there well if it’s in a bottle it’s a good start okay well this
leads to my next question things like olive oil coconut oil avocado oil ones
that are depending on what camp you’re in looked at us healthy oils it’s a
great thing marketing isn’t it so if it’s an oil then it is liquid at room
temperature and it’s going to have higher components of sat polyunsaturated
and monounsaturated oil in it and smaller components of saturated fat even
butter has got a bit of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated in it but it’s more solid at room temperature so if it’s
liquid at room temperature and I think the classic gray area here is olive oil
okay I think you know the the sunflower oils the canola oils
um um anything’s got vegetable oil written on it do just don’t even touch
it you know tell me how you get oil out of a vegetable I mean that’s just marketing it’s just
got it’s best there is a good use for vegetable oil by the way okay if you mix it oil up
vegetable oil with detergent the liquid detergent then you can spray it on your
plants to keep insects out and it’s called that’s called White oil that’s actually made from seed oils and what it
does is you spray it on the plants to kill the insects right to kill the
insects so polyunsaturated oil kills insects so why would if you want to put it in your body so that that is a role
for canola oils and stuff like that and I so I have I have a bottle of vegetable oil but it was only used
to spray the plants in a green fashion but now we don’t virtually grow any
plants to eat and mostly carniv o don’t it just don’t have the white oil so olive oil in
itself is interesting and I’m not the first person to say this but olive oil I think is not
quite as good for us as it’s been touted to be if you break it down it has higher amounts of we told monounsaturated oils
are good for us well yes they they’re better for us than the polyunsaturated but they still have
double Bonds in them those double bonds can become
oxidized and you’ve got to work out where that marketing came from because it’s part of our tradition olive oil
Mediterranean diet olive oil Mediterranean it’s a healthiest diet well two two things about the
Mediterranean here’s a little Trivial Pursuit question for how many countries border the Mediterranean couldn’t tell
you I’ll guess six at 22 way off if we take what’s the TR
traditional diet of Morocco versus Egypt versus France versus Italy versus Greece
versus Libya okay bang okay they’re all completely different diets but it’s the
Mediterranean diet so when you realize that the Mediterranean diet is never
been defined number one number two it is Loosely based around a
Greek Coastal diet and if you take all of the benefits of a
Mediterranean diet they are eating pretty well fresh local seasonal whole
produce based on their culture and environment which is you know one of my Mainstay comments that’s what we should
eat with avoiding added sugar and processed food now that’s that’s a Mediterranean diet because it doesn’t
matter where you are but it’s not a diet which is
plant-based it is about eating natural foods and
high amounts of natural fats from animal-based products fish and their
pigs their goats their sheep occasionally um
cattle so there are benefits of the Mediterranean diet because that is fresh
local seasonal Whole Food it’s not vegan vegetarian not
fruits grain it is not so in the 1960s and70s
[Music] the olive oil industry based prelimin around Greece
and Italy decided to have conferences where they invited speakers
from around the world and journalists to come to the conferences about olive oil
and and the benefits of a Mediterranean diet and if you were a journalist and you wrote favorably about it you were
invited back to the Greek Islands the following year for a freebie trip and the
following year if you continue to write favorably in the
media about the benefits of olive oil and the Mediterranean diet you got
invited back again have you been to the Greek Islands I haven’t you they are lovely
okay um they’re very special you know and would I write favorably and sell my soul
to go back to the Greek Islands next year not me but enough people did in the
1970s to create the myth of the benefits of the
Mediterranean diet and olive oil and hence it is now entrenched in our system
if you look up the black market related to Olive Oil and the difference between virgin and
extra virgin olive oils and whatever and the tampering olive oil in one place is not
the same as olive oil in other place the amount of seed oils the amount of vegetable oils that have been creeping
into the olive oil industry just to dilute it down to actually because olive
oil is requires a lot more industry a lot more effort to take olives crush
them Mill them ferment them I know there’s not much fermenting but nonetheless to process
but if you can actually put a bit of vegetable oils in there which are industrially determined you can actually
water down not water you know oil them down so um the bastardization of the
olive oil industry is a whole Topic in itself and you can get people get on the internet and go searching down that RIT
so olive oil is touted to be really beneficial for
us but it all comes down to to nutrition science it’s really really
vague I started I talked a lot about biochemistry before but nutrition
science is I ate this 25 years ago and therefore this is the cause you know
this is why I’m healthy now or I ate that 25 years ago and I’m unhealthy
now that’s you know I can ask you what you ate for you know for lunch 6 months ago
and you won’t be able to remember the food questionnaires that we that have been used in these studies are just
notoriously wrong people when they report their food report eating what
they think is better for they they over report what they think’s good they under report what’s bad most of those studies
leave out smoking they leave out lifestyle they leave out exercise they
leave out um community and all those other things which play a role in their health and wellbeing
nutritional studies over a long period of time are notoriously bad unless you
start controlling things very very vigorously which makes for small studies very expensive and
pretty well having to lock people up and see there’ been some interesting nutritional studies done on
prisoners which is really interesting because if I look at our current inmates most of them are getting fatter and
sicker and there have been some reported cases out of the us where the inmates have
sued their detention bodies for developing
diabetes I think it’s brilliant because you know they say I can’t get healthy food and now I’ve got diabetes and they
become legal cases it it and guess what the the prisoners are
right because the food that’s served in prison is determined by the food guidelines food guidelines determine
what’s educated to have children in schools what’s served in hospitals
what’s served um in nursing homes what served in prisons what served in Defense
Forces and you look at again because the US published this data look at the Obesity rights in the US military in the
Australian military they’re just out of control and again something I’ve seen it
can’t quote it directly some people can fact check me I’m very happy on it that the the S majority of us C of young
people are not fit to actually serve in the military because they’re too
overweight I’m not it’s not surprising because you walk down the street and you can make that judgment without being too
judgmental it’s an observation
um I just shake my head yeah we’re totally screwed just you know it’s propaganda it’s what we’ve been told for
Generations now because of the manipulation of information by the food industry into our
guidelines that that that’s it and that’s pretty well and we covered a lot of that in the last talk about our
guidelines have been manipulated by the processed food industry for over 100
years I I’ve got I’ve got one thing to add last time we talked about the formation of the American dietetics
Association October 22 23917 started from protog of John Harvey
Kellogg and Co and the they all the textbooks are all vegan vegetarian processed
food what’s really interesting at that meeting with around four to 6 weeks
notice there were nine food industry corporate sponsors at the very first
meeting of the American di etics Association and in their their their letter back to
the the newly formed members they showed that they had made a
profit1 odd dollars US but you $100 US
1917 was a big sum now I don’t know if you’ve ever put on a conference we have
you don’t make any money and if you give everyone four weeks notice and you don’t charge them to be there you don’t make a
profit the American dietetics for Association
was the members who started that not only came from the food industry and shaped their guidelines
they were backed by the food industry before they even
started um we can track you know particular
Belinda’s way we can track a hundred years of this story well it’s more than that now but
but it’s just over and over and over we’ve been manipulated education’s been
manipulated we’ve been told to do the wrong thing and yes you can use carbohydrates
as energy at a cellular level but the amount of carbohydrate that we’re
ingesting has got all sorts of biochemical pathological problems with it and the amount and then we’ve added
into the seed oils the in vegetable oils which are polyunsaturated and highly
inflammatory once they become oxidized I say just keep saying it’s perfect storm and the more trouble I got into 10
15 years ago the more I knew I was right I mean that’s the great thing about being an
orthopedic surgeon you know we’re we’re born and bred to be
arrogant and and there there’s actually something in that because you know you have to back yourself to do surgery you
can’t be double guessing yourself you can’t be double thinking you can’t be you know
the more you actually worry about things the less likely things get done so orthopedic surgeons on the whole back
themselves okay I can do this procedure with the equipment available to me I’m skilled enough to do it and the same
thing goes with this nutrition stuff The more I’ve looked into it the more I was
my medical education that I was a product of misinformation and disinform
right across the board so have I become cynical no I am cynical and when because everything you
look into here the vast majority of my medical education was
manipulated am I 100% right on all of this no but I’m hell of a lot more right than
wrong and I’m still learning not you’re still learning I we if the moment you
stop learning and that that’s that’s it uh and
um so you know that was the recent thing Blinder uncovered was about the fact that nine food indri groups were there
at the formation of the American dietetics Association you can’t make this up oh I did hear what was it def
what’s the difference between fact and fiction I don’t know what is it well Fiction’s
plausible you think it through you oh okay because you know
people thought it’s Stranger Than fact is Stranger Than fiction but that’s it because if you’re going to write a story
and make something up it’s got to have plausibility but if I just tell you facts and you go oh my goodness you know
how did that okay that’s what happened because you know there’s enormous amounts of
money Monopoly um uh ideology you know all stuff
floating along behind it and when you are driven by money and ideology and
philosophy and and that’s the fascinating thing that
and we as a society like to believe what we’ve been told we’ve all fallen for it
it’s one of the greatest cons of all time this is Cassandra’s curse which is
my one of my favorite things at the moment have you heard of Cassandra no tell me about it so Cassandra um you’ve
heard of Helen of Troy the Trojan Horse yes all right well Helen
uh her her love was um um fellow one over Paris and he went to war for
decades and that’s the whole story of the Trojan Horse anyway paris’s sister was called
Cassandra you know Greek mythology all gets a little bit mixed up here but anyway the god Apollo fell in love with
Cassandra and he favored her with his affection and he gave her the ability to see into the future but then then she
didn’t receive his affections so she said no thank you so he then cursed her
with the ability to see into the future but nobody would believe her so the curse was she could see what
was going to happen but nobody would believe her so the more I look at things I’ve actually got Cassandra’s curse you know I’ve been talking about this for a
long time and I and I it all comes down to the Seas you know it’s carbohydrate
cholesterol um calories yeah calories I well then I start talking about
currencies cryptocurrencies um uh Co um climate
change CO2 uh conspiracies everything starts with a c a good friend of mine’s
Iva cumins do you know Iva I know of him yes yeah so I I wrote to Iva and said
hey we both got Cassandra’s curse but you’ve got an advantage over me because your surname starts with c and um we had
a bit of a laugh about it um and controversy you know there’s another
it’s just the more you look into it yes all this stuff is controversial I get it
but as I’ve quoted what I wrote a book many years ago but only dead fish swim
with the current you know you’re truly alive when
you’re questioning and you’re turning around you’ve got an email from me you get them from me on the bottom it says sign evolves by being challenged not by
being followed that’s the scientific method that is
evolution Evolution means we’ve challenged what’s going on to try and find something better and the moment we
accept that everything’s normal and that’s the way it is and it’s the best it can ever
be then you’re dead and so the same thing goes if we’re
looking at society and we’re getting fatter and sicker the guidelines are telling us what to do
for the last 50 years 100 years well maybe the guidelines are
wrong and they should be challenged and if you don’t see something if this doesn’t make sense
challenge it sure it requires some bravery and support and all that sort of thing and everyone’s got different
levels of confidence at different tys and times in their lives that if you actually feel doesn’t make sense
question it try and do independent research don’t listen to what the government’s telling you don’t listen to
mainstream media delve back into it and delve back into the biochemistry because
the biochemistry is science all this nutrition stuff what happens inside a cell is science what
happens outside the body is politics religion ideology money inside so that’s all it keep
coming back to just this is the science the biochemistry doesn’t change hasn’t changed
for hundreds of thousands of years not since we’re living creatures it’s our
biochemistries based on what happens at mitochondrial function that’s it and we screwed it up with a modern
diet I know you got to go here soon but a couple things I want to tie loose n wise before we part way I asked you
initially there about olive oil coconut oil avocado oil you made some good
points talking about the oils being corrupt and diluted with other oils and
the quality the science being not so great but point blank are you using a no
sorry not avocado but are you using olive oil and then do you think that is
something that’s acceptable for somebody trying to live a healthy lifestyle I’ll just come back one step
coconut oil is solid comes in a jar you got to heat it up to get it out of the
jar so I mean that coconut oil and that’s 99% saturated fat in about 1 % mono and
and poly so so it’s funny how it’s called coconut oil when it’s not it’s
coconut butter it’s coconut fat it’s solid um so if you’ve got coconut oil
that you can pour out of a bottle where you are it’s it ain’t coconut oil okay depends on the time of
the year you can almost use it like a thermometer here yeah okay if if it’s if it’s really
hot then you can okay I’ll get that but but most times you know where I am it
comes in a jar if I’m a purist I so we don’t have
olive oil in the house actually we do have some but if you’re actually cooking animal-based foods with there’s enough
fat in them to actually you don’t need to put extra fat in um why have we got
olive oil in the house I don’t know I know I know there’s
a bottle there I think it was given to us yeah it was given to us I don’t think we’ve purchased it but if so I’m a bit of a purist so as
a purist you sort of you know I’m at one end of the spectrum okay I’m doing it hardcore I’m doing it for my own
personal reasons my health my health Journey My Lifestyle whatever at the other end of the
spectrum is where people are eating crap food all of the time getting fatter and sicker and and
unhealthy and society’s mostly over that side now if 90% of the population do 90%
of what I’m talking about we’re going to see an enormous turnaround in
health and we might see people fall off the bandwagon from time to time so if you got a choice between having olive
oil and vegetable oil or canola oil then have the olive oil it is going to be
better for you but just remember it’s still got polyon it’s got oxidizable
double Bonds in it which can potentially cause some inflammation it’s about the sugar thing
you know I think we talked about this in the last talk where yes in season I will have a few berries in a granola mix at
night because I know that the few berries are going to contain a little bit of fructose and it’s going to make
me hungry so I’m eating knowing what it’s going to do I’ve made an informed decision to be an idiot I’m having some
fruit because I like the sweetness but bearing in mind sweetness is actually
something which is part of our survival mechanism as animals to get fat for winter hibernation so okay I fall for
that addiction yeah I probably have TW less than 20 berries per year okay so I can’t
say that it’s an extreme you know people might say that’s extreme but I do have them but I understand that if I eat them
and if I eat them at breakfast then I’m going to be hungrier in 2 and 3 and 4 hours time so
I have them at night so the same thing goes with olive oil I’d rather you have olive oil than a
vegetable oil but I think for everyone there’s a journey there’s a journey that
they want to go on and they they travel down this path and they may end up and I’ve talked about this in some of my
presentations the journey you go from eating the crap diet the standed diet
then you actually move to the food pyramid still find out that it makes you sick and then you go to moving to low
carb healthy fat and then you move to keto and then you move to Carnival all for different reasons and there is a
group called who travel the path of vegan because it seems to be more Pure Food less
processed and they do well for a couple of years until they realize they’re actually missing out on the essential
vitamins minerals um proteins and fats and they move towards
lchf and a lot of there’s a lot of high-profile speakers in the world who
used to be vegan but they’ve gone to actually having to put realizing the the critical role of animal-based
foods so everyone’s at a different point in their Journey some people are still eating
badly and and and are well there are some people who are eating badly who are getting unwell and then start to
transition down that pathway and some people need to go all the way to take all the plantbased materials out of
their diet so they get rid of the oxalic and the Fates and the other toxins that are within
plants to get to their health point but if you start moving down this
pathway then you start learning more and more you learn more about what’s good and bad outside of mainstream media and
you learn out what’s good and bad for you and we’ve got a technology-driven
society um you can get hold of directly or indirectly what’s called cgms
continuous glucose monitors it’s a little normally got one on my desk here
somewhere um but and you can put that underneath stick it on your skin and it
will measure your glucose levels that is perfect individualized health care you can see exactly what food does to you so
I when I put one on mine stays perfectly flat my blood glucose does not go up or down but I have in the midst of a
lecture warned that and I ate two bananas at the beginning of the lecture
and I watched everyone well everyone could watch my blood glucose go up and up and up within about 40 minutes I was
in the diabetic range I’d lost my voice I could barely
talk I came off the stage and my daughter said are you okay D I said no
I’m feeling really sick as a dog you know and um and then it came back down
again but we’ve also done that on live radio here’s an example with radio announcer
big guy put a glucose monitor on him and he ate the nine grain super healthy bread
and his blood glucose went up through the roof and he was actually on air saying I’m feeling sick we didn’t name
the brand of it was discussed and it was it was part of an ongoing educational
thing within 2 hours was the bread
companies were on the phone to the radio station saying we’re going to withdraw
all our advertising unless you take that program
down because the public don’t want to know that your blood glucose spikes when you have a couple of slices of
bread so cgms are very powerful so if you can get hold of one and you’re on this journey and you want to see what
food does to you don’t believe me don’t believe you don’t believe anything that
you’re here stick a glucose monitor on and monitor it for yourself and see what
happens to your blood glucose and if you can eat cake and bread and rice and pasta and pizza and your blood glucose
stays perfectly normal you might be the freak that gets away with it but if you’re like most people I know who put a
CGM on they find it an incredible learning experience to think what they thought was eating healthy was in fact
spiking their blood glucose all over the place and when you spike your blood glucose you damaged your glyco kyx your
myard reaction kicks in you are toasting your brain your kidneys your eyes oh
it’s just an incredible wakeup call we’re going on this health journey and that’s um that’s just another tool along
the way there’s another long- winded fety answer sorry no I love it did they
end up taking the radio Showdown no they took down that um live clip that was on
Facebook though and uh he didn’t talk about it um uh I’m allowed to talk about him a
bit because I actually in our last state elections here I put glucose me uh
monitors on both sides of politics and um between both sides of
politics they lost over 50 kilograms there they and their teams and
um and I then said okay if it’s good enough for you it’s now what about the people so I go down to Parliament House
and have lunch there um talking to um the
health Minister and um and both sides of politics in a bipartisan sort of
approach to okay what can we do for the people but being good politicians they said okay yes yes yes yes Dr FIY and
nothing much has happened but we keep trying so glucose monitor is a very
powerful tool for proving to people what food does to them but you can listen your body you
can say oh I feat too much sugar and carbs and I’ll have too much Christmas lunch and too much Christmas pudding I’m
going to feel tired and lethargic or you have your bacon and eggs for breakfast and then you go
actually out and exercise all day and you feel good um just start listening to our
bodies that’s what it’s about all right we got to round out the poofa conversation so far we’ve been talking
about seed oils pfas under there lenic acid but the other half for that
equation is the Omega-3s and people saying eat your fish
people guzzling down fish oil those Omega-3s are poof is as well which are
fragile so how do you fit that into what you shared
omega3 is an essential again if you eat the modern diet it’s depleted in
omega-3 but it’s too much Omega
6 so we do need some omega-3 so a lot of people actually don’t have enough omega-3 in their diet so having some
fish having some fish oil fish oil comes with its calories is
omega-3 and yes so we we all require some omega-3 and Omega 6 and if you
either a standard crap diet you’re not getting any omega3 you’re getting a truckload of Omega
6 so to get your omega-3 levels up we could eat a lot more junk food
but we’ll pay the price with getting a an enormous amount of Omega 6 or you can actually eat the fish or
take an omega-3 supplement which will bump up your Omega-3s but not change
your Omega six
so what’s the old adage you know the dose is the poison we do need some omega3 we do need Omega 6 we just don’t
need 100 times more than we get because the body can’t has to do something with it it just sticks it in a corner and
then becomes oxidized I don’t and again the omega3 is a bit like the Amon unsaturated argument we do need some but
we don’t need a lot now I know that’s a wishy washy answer but Glenn Lawrence how I worked
it I remembered by the end of it if you’ve got a problem with everything I talk about contact Glenn Lawrence in New
York okay he’s written a definitive book about it and interesting thing all of this is we don’t know all of the
answers I’m just trying to give you a summation of the knowledge that I’ve been able to put together about the
Omega-3s the Omega sixs there are other people who feel vinant that it’s all one or the
other and that the Omega sixes are all of the problem and the Omega-3s are part of the problem that other people that
say that they’re not problem at all it makes sense to me
from my understanding of biochemistry and looking at all of this stuff over a long period of time there over a couple of decades that it’s the combination so
do I have a definitive answer yeah I’d rather you eat fish than fish fingers
okay I’d rather because it’s going to be a whole fish falls under what my overall
guideline for eating eat fresh local seasonal Whole Food based on your culture and environment avoiding added
sugar and processed food that’s my Mantra just that’s the evolutionary diet
um and if you can avoid taking a supplement don’t take it last piece I’ll
add to this too is that with certain animals the monogastric like chickens
and pigs they’re going to have a higher level of linolic acid in their fat they
are consuming if they’re being fed grains versus a cow where there’s less
of that happening even if the cow is being finished on grains so I just think this is important piece to round
out this whole omega-3 Omega 6 part of the conversation that even within animal
Foods people that are wanting to be you know healthy and cognizant and
making good choices within certain animals it matters more than others what that
animal is eating I looked into this probably 10 years ago because I think it’s a great question great thing to
look at if you look at the Omega-3 Omega 6 ratios of pasture fed
animals versus factory farm grain fed animals
and it doesn’t matter if you’re chicken pigs cattle the omega3 Omega 6 ratios are
much better in the pasture fit the Natural Born the the organic however if you’ve got and you’ve
got a choice if you’ve got if you have the luxury of choice then eat the pasture fit
but if you don’t have the ability the the luxury of choice and you have a choice
between a factory farmed fish meat product it is still
still much much better than buying processed
food like you know you know a whole step away so I’m fortunate I I have the
luxury to live in a place where I can get past to Fed produce but there are whole places in
the world that don’t but those animal-based products are still going to be better than the ultr processed ones
and they so they go up by a couple of percent but they don’t go up by dramatically so don’t get too worried if you’re
eating um from a health aspect uh Factory farmed animals you can we can
travel all the paths of philosophy and I’m not I’m not I’m not condem I’m not condoning factory farming of any animal
but from the omega-3 Omega 6 it’s actually not quite as good as parti vid
certainly not bad and infinitely better than eating Ultra processed food I think we both agree yes any Animal product is
going to be better than processed food I mean there can be proess animal food too but we’ll take that out of the equation
we have to consider ethics obviously both of us would agree that we want our animals treated the best that they can
be treated but I’m not talking about Omega-3s I’d have to look into that piece I’m only commenting on linolic
acid in the monogastric animals like chickens and pigs where I think that number and I’m making the numbers up but
this is going to represent what I’m talking about the Lin acid maybe 2 3% in
those specific animals when they’re being fed a natural diet versus feeding them grains where that
can jump up to 20 plus per. and then in cows the fluctuation isn’t the same due
to their digestion so that was the point I was trying to hammer home there but then there’s the omega-3 Omega 6 balance
and that’s not something I’m familiar with to to comment on that again that’s
my summation of the information that I’ve come across and
um and ultimately in the passage of time I may be proven wrong on that because we
actually just don’t understand the biochemistry of fat as well as we
understand the biochemistry of carbohydrates and protein just hasn’t been studied as
much and um and I say Glenn Lawrence has written a definitive book on
it and it’s incomplete by his
own by his own admission because we just don’t have all the answers
there um so I let’s keep learning because we haven’t we haven’t
got all the answers yet yeah we definitely don’t have all the answers either but we’re trying to look at the
information bring it to light for other people and in the process make
critical decisions for us and our family and being critical thinker as
best we can in that process good philosophy G really enjoyed round two
thank you we’re going to link up your website your social media link up some of your talks and the show notes thank
you I’m just really interested if we do a session three because last time you were clean shaving you got the mustache
this time and I reckon next time it’ll be the beard okay maybe you can grow one too I did that at blinda told me not to
shave for a year or two and then one day she said she just looked at me and I
said I’m shaving today aren’t I she said yes you are yeah maybe for round three we’ll convince blinda to let you grow a
little beard and I can grow one too for fun I don’t think so it was pretty pathetic sort of a goatey sort of
prophal sort of look for a little while wow mine’s not much of a beard either so
I can relate Gary thank you again all right mate keep well thank you bye-bye
now that you’re done you’re going to want to stick around here and catch a other incredible episode you don’t want to miss it I’ll see you over there once
you understand where the non science is coming from where the propaganda is coming from and it is industry
pharmaceutical and religious ideology now I understand why I was kind in my medical
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