Thanks for helping me with “NVC goggles”. I am seeing the world more clearly thru lenses of empathy and compassion. It’s so great to start liberating yourself and the way you view others from the moral judge and persecutor.

I have known all these practices in bits and pieces I have collected over years of therapy meditation and self awareness. But to have it in one comprehensive plan is making it possible to apply.

I feel like for the first time ever….when I see someone “angry” I don’t feel like I need to protect myself from that anger or tell the person to “not be angry”. I can see the complete despair that is beneath anger.

I have seen Anon Name #1 in a totally different light after the years I labelled him as “abusive”. How limiting that was for both of us!

I saw Anon Name #2 yesterday and was able to turn some anger that was coming out toward me into a recognition of how much pain was there in him. I told him I realized I hadn’t listened to him properly for years. I reached him. He heard me. His whole body softened. His clenched fist released as I held his hand. We understood each other. That moment moved a mountain.

What a gift. Thank you.